The 1996 Green Plaid Invitational Champion is...

Chris “El Diablo” Lynch

Tom “Mondo” Mondani is reluctant to hand over the

GPI Jacket and see his reign as 1996 GPI Champion

come to an end

Chris savors the moment as he tries on the GPI Jacket for the first time as GPI champion, assisted by 1995

champ Tom “Mondo” Mondani

Mondo congratulates Tom Noone and Rick Gauntlett,

who tied for 2nd place and proved handicapping works.

Champion’s Row: Past and Present GPI Champions

Marty Honigberg, Chris “El Diablo” Lynch, Tom “Mondo” Mondani, Greg Strakosch

Chris collects his GPI fame...

and his GPI fortune.

The 1996 Green Plaid Invitational

C.C. of New Hampshire
North Sutton, NH